“从小我就说以后想当个医生,可我们家没有行医的,而且我们住的也不是布鲁克林最好的地方——所以附近都没有医生。我14岁时遇到了我的第一位非裔美国女医生——Dr. Cambridge。其实也是碰巧了。我要去看医生,结果就到了她的办公室,但遇见她就好像老天在说:‘你可以的,这是你想要的,一定会成功的。’过程并不容易,上学时我一直在麦当劳上夜班,几乎没时间学习。大一时我的化学挂了科,导师说我不应该学医,从小到大别人都那么对我说,所以我也就没再回过她的办公室。一切都是我自己琢磨出来的。以前我从没听过MCAT(美国医学院入学考试),我全部都得自学,我用别人捐给我的旧书学的。但我每周还是会工作二十个小时,所以最后只考到了第19百分位。我申请了15所医学院,结果都被拒绝了,那时感觉很受挫。光是申请学校,我就损失了2200块,但我振作起来,继续学习了。我参加了个硕士课程,以此证明我有能力在更高层次上取得成功。我申请了助学贷款,那是我第一次能够专注于学业,而不用操心生存的问题。我进入了野兽模式,就像个机器一样,在一门高等教育课程上,我得了人生第一个A。第二次考MCAT时,我考到了第73百分位,结果出来时我躺在地上哭了起来。因为没人知道我为此多么诚心的祈祷过,付出了多大的努力。太难了,真的太难了,只有我知道,这一切都是靠我自己拼来的。”
“Ever since I was a little girl, I’d been professing that I wanted to be a doctor. But there weren’t any doctors in my family. And we didn’t live in the nicest part of Brooklyn—so there weren’t even any doctors in my neighborhood. I was fourteen years old when I met my first African American female physician—Dr. Cambridge. It was just a fluke. I needed to see a doctor, and I ended up at her office. But meeting her was like God saying: ‘You can do this. This is what you want, and it’s going to happen.’ It wasn’t easy. All through school I worked the closing shift at McDonald’s. I barely had time to study. I failed general chemistry during my freshman year, and my advisor told me that I shouldn’t pursue medicine. But people had been telling me that my entire life. So I just never went back to her office. I figured everything out on my own. I’d never even heard of an MCAT. I had to learn all that on my own. I studied with old books that people donated to me. But I was still working twenty hours a week, so I only scored in the 19th percentile. I applied to fifteen medical schools and all of them rejected me. That’s when the depression set in. I'd lost $2200 on the applications alone. But I pulled myself together. I kept going. I enrolled in a Master’s program so I could prove that I was capable of succeeding on a higher level. I took out student loans. And ……
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