
在12月,英国两大媒体《泰晤士报》和《英国每日电讯》分别公布了各自的英国公立和私立学校年度排名。两份媒体在排名相关的文章中,也都对白金汉大学教育学院院长巴纳·比勒农教授进行了采访。这里,白金汉国际教育学院对两份排名进行了整理翻译,分享给感兴趣的教育工作者以及家长们,希望给大家带来新的启迪。《泰晤士报》2022英国中学排名《泰晤士报》的排名来自于《2022家长力量》择校指南,这是《泰晤士报》和《星期日泰晤士报》对英国公立和私立学校中成绩最好的中小学的年度指南。这也是排名连续两年在不使用夏季最新成绩的情况下发布该指南。排名根据2017-19年所有私立学校的考试成绩,而不是过去两年教师评估的成绩,以避免虚高的估分。This month, both TheTimes and TheTelegraph have published their latest annual rankings of state and private schools in the UK. Both media outlets interviewed Professor Barnaby Lenon CBE, Dean of Education, University of Buckingham for his insights.Here BISE has translated and collated the two rankings to share with interested educators and parents in the hope of bringing new enlightenment.The Times Parent Power 2022The Times' ranking comes from Parent Power 2022, the annual guideto Britain’s highest-achieving primary and secondary schools in the state and independent sectors, compiled by The Times and The Sunday Times.For the second successive year, the guide was publishied without making use of the latest results from the summer. Instead, it is based on the examination results of all the schools in 2017-19, rather than on the teacher assessed results of the past two years, to avoid inflated grades.Swipe left for English | 右滑阅读中文《泰晤士报》私校排名:圣保罗女子学校再次登上榜首 The Times‘ Private Schools Ranking: St Paul’s Girls’ School topping the ranking again

无论是学习密码编制信息、编写导演自己的戏剧、设计应用程序还是获得进入精英大学的分数,在伦敦西部哈默史密斯的圣保罗女校的学生们都志存高远,对她们来说,一切皆有可能。 今年,圣保罗女校将44名女生送入牛津剑桥大学,19名女生进入美国和加拿大的大学,继续延续自己作为英国最佳私立中学的神话,在十年内第九次登上我们的榜首。 在2017年至2019年期间,圣保罗女校的学生平均有97.8%的A-level试卷被评为A*-B,而99.4%的GCSE被评为9-7或A*/A。圣保罗女校被评为《星期日泰晤士报》年度最佳私立中学,该校在2013年也获得了这一赞誉。 学校的优异记录并不是出自对学生的应试苛求,而是来源于培养学生的好奇心和信心、丰富的课外活动和良好的教养关怀。圣保罗女校的校长莎拉·弗莱彻说,“快乐的学生更易取得成就。” “我们提供的教育不是为了考试成绩,不是为了准备应试,而是为了培养全面的学习者,让他们在以后的生活中充满自信和成功。”学校100多个俱乐部和社团帮助拓宽年轻人的思维,此外还有周五的讲座,演讲者包括哲学家和作家格雷林。体育在个人发展和健康方面也发挥着重要作用。 “我们真正鼓励这些活动,因为我认为智力发展、心理健康和身体强健都是相关的,思想、身体和精神密不可分,”弗莱彻说。“我知道在很多学校,据说年轻人会退出体育活动,但这里不是这样,因为我们有这么多不同的选择,我认为这对心理健康非常重要。”入学竞争非常激烈的圣保罗女校,每年的学费从£26,406到£28,389不等。Whether they’re learning to knit a message in secret code, writing and directing their own play, creating an app or getting the grades to go to elite universities, pupils aim high in the belief that everything is possible at St Paul’s Girl School At SPGS, of course, the pre-pandemic grades could scarcely be inflated: on average, between 2017 and 2019, 97.8 per cent of A-level papers taken by SPGS pupils were awarded A*-B, while 99.4 per cent of GCSEs were graded 9-7 or A*/A. SPGS is named The Sunday Times Independent Secondary School of the Year, an accolade it also won in 2013. Its excellent record doesn’t come from hothousing students but from developing curiosity and confidence, a rich extracurricular programme and good pastoral care. Happy students achieve, says Sarah Fletcher, high mistress at SPGS. “The education we provide is not about exam results, not about preparation for exams, it is about developing all-round learners who are going to be confident and successful in later life,” says Fletcher. More than 100 clubs and societies help to broaden young minds, as well as Friday lectures with speakers including the philosopher and author AC Grayling. Sports also play an important role in personal development and wellbeing. “We really encourage it because I think that intellectual development, personal wellbeing and personal fitness is all connected, the mind, the body, the spirit,” Fletcher says. “I know in a lot of schools it is said that young people drop out of sport, well, that isn’t the case here because we have so many different options, which I think is really important for mental wellbeing.”The highly selective SPGS, where annual fees range from £26,406 to £28,389Swipe left for English | 右滑阅读中文

前20私校的亮点:一半女校,18所在伦敦和东南部Highlights of Top 20 private schools:Half are all-girls, 18 in Greater London and southeast

在我们的私立中学前20名中,包括8所在大伦敦地区的学校和东南部的10所学校。这种情况展现出地理上的不平衡,在东安格利亚地区和西米德兰地区分别只有一所前20的学校。 值得注意的是,最佳私立学校排名前20名中有一半都是女校,包括位于哈默史密斯的戈多尔芬和拉提默学校,该校排名第12位。这是2020年被评为《星期日泰晤士报》年度最佳私立中学的学校。有近900名女孩在11岁时申请这所学校的120个名额。位于汉普顿的埃莉诺·霍利斯夫人学校今年排名18,学校将11名女孩送到牛津剑桥,此外还有巴黎的法国时装学院、罗得岛设计学院、悉尼大学和多伦多大学等目的地。在排名前十大的私立中学中,有六所曾经获得过我们的年度最佳学校称号,包括排名第二在温布尔登的国王学院学校。学校提供IB和A-Level课程,是排名Top 5的常客。排名第8位的男女混合的布莱顿学院,是我们去年的“十年独立学校”和两次“年度学校”(2011年和2018年),在理查德·凯恩斯的领导下,已成为英国的精英中学之一。它从2010年的第41位上升到2019年的第3位,自2016年以来,每年都有30名或更多的学生赢得牛津或剑桥的名额。位于温莎的伊顿公学排名第11位,学校培养了包括鲍里斯·约翰逊在内的英国55位总理中的20位,以及威廉和哈里王子,保持了其在重磅人物中的地位。In our independent secondary top 20, there is a cohort of eight fee-paying schools in Greater London and ten in the southeast. The picture is one of geographical imbalance: East Anglia and the West Midlands contribute only one school each. It is notable that half of the top 20 are all-girls’ schools. They include the Godolphin and Latymer School in Hammersmith, ranking 12th, our Independent Secondary School of the Year 2020, where almost 900 girls apply for 120 places at the age of 11. Lady Eleanor Holles (LEH) in Hampton (18th) sent 11 girls to Oxbridge, as well as to destinations such as the Institut Français de la Mode, the fashion design school in Paris, Rhode Island School of Design, the University of Sydney and the University of Toronto.Our top ten independent secondaries feature six former winners of our School of the Year title, including King’s College School, Wimbledon, in second place. It offers the international baccalaureate as well as A-levels and is a regular in our top five. Ranking 8th=, co-educational Brighton College, our Independent School of the Decade last year and twice School of the Year (2011 and 2018), has emerged as one of Britain’s elite institutions under the leadership of Richard Cairns. It rose from 41st position in 2010 to 3rd in 2019, with 30 or more students winning places at Oxford or Cambridge each year since 2016. In 11th place, Eton College in Windsor, which has educated 20 of Britain’s 55 prime ministers including Boris Johnson as well as princes William and Harry, maintains its place among the heavy hitters.Swipe left for English | 右滑阅读中文


《泰晤士报》公立学校排名:伊丽莎白女王学校夺冠The Times’ State Schools Ranking: Queen Elizabeth’s School is the School of the Year

位于伦敦郊区仅有的一所文法学校今年向牛津和剑桥大学输送了40名学生,使其能够与英国一些最杰出和最昂贵的私立学校相提并论。 伦敦巴尼特区的伊丽莎白女王学校以其优异的学术成绩,被《星期日泰晤士报》评为年度最佳公立中学。学校192个文法班名额,每年都有17个学生竞争一个名额,学校经常在《家长力量》排名中名列前茅。 学校由莱斯特伯爵罗伯特·达德利于1573年创建,男孩们被分在以著名校友和教师命名的宿舍分院。校友包括大律师和电视节目主持人罗伯特·林德和诗人乔治·姆潘加。 校长恩莱特说,有30名学生获得了医学院的录取通知书,还有一些学生去了美国的常春藤大学,以及大量牛津剑桥的学生。学校的录取人数不输伦敦主要的私立学校,包括圣保罗学校,它向牛津剑桥输送了43名男孩。 “我们学校的表现非常稳定,”恩莱特说,他担任校长已经有十年了。“连续16年,A-level考试中A*-B级的比例都超过了95%。今年夏天,57%的成绩是A或A*。我们有很多学生获得了四个A*的成绩。”Aboys-only grammar school on the outskirts of London sent 40 pupils to Oxford and Cambridge universities this year, putting it on a par with some of Britain’s most illustrious and expensive private schools. Queen Elizabeth’s School, Barnet (QEB) is The Sunday Times State Secondary School of the Year in recognition of its outstanding academic track record. Seventeen pupils compete for each of the 192 grammar places available each year at the school, which regularly tops the Parent Power rankings. Founded in 1573 by Robert Dudley, the Earl of Leicester, it groups boys into houses named after famous old boys and teachers. Alumni include Robert Rinder, the barrister and TV presenter, and George Mpanga, known as George the Poet. Enright, the headmaster, 30 pupils won places at medical schools and another clutch left for Ivy League universities in America, as well as the substantial Oxbridge contingent. The tally compares favourably with London’s leading independent schools, including St Paul’s School, which sent 43 boys to Oxbridge. “Our school performance is remarkably consistent,” said Enright, who is in his tenth year as headmaster. “For 16 consecutive years the percentage of A*-B grades at A-level has been in excess of 95 per cent. This summer 57 per cent of grades were A or A*. We have lots of pupils who get four A*s.”

排名前20的公校亮点:大比例在伦敦地区,9所文法学院Highlights of the Top 20:London-based schools well represented, nine grammar schools

位于伦敦的学校在公立中学排名中有很高的比例,占据了前五位。位于切尔滕纳姆市的佩特文法学校排名第六,是首都以外领先的学校。 伊丽莎白女王学校经常与附近的女子文法学校——亨利埃塔-巴尼特学校争夺榜首位置。进入前20名的还有其他几所单性别文法学校,包括伯明翰的爱德华六世坎普希尔男校和爱德华六世坎普希尔女校,以及阿尔特林汉姆女子文法学校和科尔切斯特郡女子中学。 恩莱特说,让能力很强的男孩们在七年中相互碰撞,在伊丽莎白女王学校形成了一种特别有创造力的氛围。学校有90多个俱乐部,其中许多是由男孩们自己建立的,以培养他们的爱好。“他们兴致勃勃地投入到各种活动中。例如,他们开始参加机器人竞赛,并迅速成为第一所在美国赢得世界锦标赛的英国学校,击败了中国和俄罗斯的队伍。” 然而,尽管有文法学校的成功表现,政府却拒绝立法允许开设更多的文法学校。目前统计的总数是163所 。我们需要更多的文法学校吗?恩莱特说,根据现有规定,伊丽莎白女王学校已经从大约1200名学生扩大到1300名。近年来,其他文法学校也挤进了更多的学生,以满足需求。然而,他们每年仍不得不拒绝数百名有天赋的11岁学生。他说:“我认为我们需要能够出色地满足真正聪明孩子的公立学校,而文法学校是可以做到这点的一种方式。”London-based schools are well represented in the state secondary schools’ rankings, holding the top five places. Pate’s Grammar School in Cheltenham, in sixth place, is the leading school outside the capital. QEB regularly jostles for top spot with the nearby girls’ grammar, the Henrietta Barnett School. Also in the top 20 are several other single-sex grammar schools, including King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Boys and King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls in Birmingham, as well as Altrincham Grammar School for Girls and Colchester County High School for Girls. Enright said that having highly able boys bounce off each other for seven years creates an extraordinarily creative atmosphere at QEB. The school has more than 90 clubs, many set up by the boys themselves to further their passions. “They throw themselves into things with gusto. For instance, they started competing in robotics and swiftly became the first UK school to win the world championships in the US, beating Chinese and Russian teams.” Yet despite the success of grammar schools, the government has refused to legislate to allow more schools to be opened. The present tally is 163. Do we need more grammars? QEB, says Enright, has expanded from about 1,200 to 1,300 students under existing regulations. Other grammar schools have also squeezed in extra students in recent years to meet demand. Yet they still have to turn away hundreds of talented 11-year-olds every year. “I think we need to be able to cater for really bright children in the state sector brilliantly and grammar schools are one way that can be done,” he said.


如何择校:不要仅着眼于考试成绩How to choose: Look beyond the exam results

独立学校委员会主席巴纳比·莱农说,虽然学校以其学术表现为荣,但它们提供的远不止是出色的考试成绩。“学校远远超出了考试成绩,因为我们知道,无论如何,考试成绩与生活中的成功只有很小的关联,”这位哈罗公学的前校长、白金汉大学教育学院院长说,他强调小班教学和更多的课外活动机会,有助于建立韧性和信心。 莱农承认,在过去两年疫情中,教师评估的成绩膨胀,使我们更难确定哪些学校可能有最好的成绩。但他说,家长在为孩子选择学校时,应该关注的永远不止考试成绩这么简单。他的建议是看学校在接受学生后取得的进展,以及教室外发生的事情。“有多少个运动队,每年有多少场演出,有多少孩子学习乐器?这可以给你一些量化的指标,因为我认为这些事情非常重要——我相信父母越来越理解这些活动对年轻人具有重要的长期意义。”他还建议,如果附近有另一所学校,也许排名稍低,但离得更近,家长就不要把孩子送到需要每天往返数小时的学校。“每天在火车或长途汽车上花费三个或更多小时,是对童年的一种浪费。这完全没有必要。 ”While schools are proud of their academic performance, they offer much more than just outstanding exam results, says Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council (ISC). “Schools go way beyond exam results, which we know only have a modest correlation with success in life anyway,” says the former headmaster of Harrow and Deanof Education, University of Buckingham, highlighting smaller class sizes and more extracurricular opportunities, which help build resilience and confidence. Lenon admits that grade inflation over the past two years of teacher-assessed grades has made it harder to identify the schools that might have the best results. But he says parents should always look beyond exam results when choosing a school for their child. His advice is to look at the progress schools make with the pupils they accept, and at what is going on outside the classroom. “How many sports teams are there, how many plays are put on each year, how many children learn a musical instrument? That gives you some indication of scale because I think these things are very important — and I think parents are increasingly understanding that these things are of significant long-term importance to young people.” He also recommends that parents don’t send their child to a school that requires them to travel for hours every day if there is another school, perhaps slightly lower in the league tables, much nearer. “It is a waste of a childhood spending three or more hours a day on the train or coach. It is completely unnecessary.”


《每日电讯报》私校排名:威斯敏斯特、伊顿、圣保罗The Telegraph's Private Schools Ranking: Westminster, Eton and St Paul's

在决定送孩子去哪所私立学校时,家长往往会感到被各类信息淹没了。学校会吹嘘他们强大的学术表现和学生们取得的一系列闪光的成绩。但是,家长最关心的问题往往是:"把我的孩子送到你的学校是否会增加他们获得牛津剑桥大学录取的机会?" 但是,这组针对的数据很少被学校公布。在一系列信息自由公示申请之后,《每日电讯报》从牛津和剑桥大学的每所书院获得了在过去三年中收到最多录取通知的中学的详细信息。根据我们的数据,牛津剑桥录取人数最多的私立学校是每年43272英镑的威斯敏斯特学校,其次是每年44094英镑的伊顿公学。 位于伦敦的圣保罗学校及其姊妹学校圣保罗女子学校,以及温彻斯特学院、希诺克斯学校和曼彻斯特文法学校都在前20名私立学校之列。 你可以在下方阅读完整的名单。When deciding which private school to send your child to, parents can often feel overwhelmed with information. Schools will boast about their strong academic track record and glittering suite of grades that their pupils achieve. But often the question parents most want to know is: “Will sending my child to your school increase their chance of getting a place at Oxbridge?” But this particular set of data is rarely published by schools. The Telegraph has obtained detailed information, following a series of freedom of information requests, from every Oxford and Cambridge college about the schools to which they have made the highest number of offers over the past three years. According to our data, the private school with the highest number of offers from Oxbridge was the £43,272-a-year Westminster School, followed by the £44,094-a-year Eton College. St Paul’s School in London as well as its sister school, St Paul’s Girls’ School features in the top 20 private schools, as do Winchester College, Sevenoaks School and Manchester Grammar School. You can read the full list here:Swipe left for English | 右滑阅读中文


私校下降 公校上升:牛剑录取,有的涨三倍,有的少一半Privates down States up: Oxbridge places some tripled, some halved

然而,随着英国顶尖大学面临越来越大的压力,要求录取更多来自公立学校的学生,根据《每日电讯报》获得的数据,如今英国一些最负盛名的私立学校的牛津剑桥录取数量急剧下降。与此同时,一些公立学校的录取数量在最近几年急剧上升,成为向牛津剑桥输送学生最成功的学校。 伊顿学院是仅有的三所自2016年以来牛津剑桥录取率逐年下降的学校之一。这所位于温莎学费超过44,000英镑的寄宿学校的牛津剑桥录取数量在五年内暴跌了21%,从2016年的86份降至2020年的68份。即使考虑到现在申请牛津剑桥的学生比五年前少,伊顿的录取率也在下降。该校的成功率——通过观察申请者获得录取通知书的比例计算——在同一时期下降了4.9个百分点。 数据显示,在过去五年中,录取率下降最多的十所学校都是非公立的收费中学。其中包括寄宿男子学校哈罗公学,该学校每年收取43,665英镑的费用。它的牛津剑桥录取数量下降了50%,从28份降至14份。而切尔滕纳姆女子学院,这所每年收费39,780英镑的女子寄宿学校,其录取通知书也下降了50%,从26份降至13份。 同时,在10所牛津剑桥录取增幅最大的学校中,除了一所学校外都是公立学校,大部分都是位于伦敦择优录取的第六级学院。伦敦东部纽汉姆区的三所学校——布兰普顿庄园学院、伦敦卓越学院和纽汉姆第六级学院–在过去五年里,他们的录取人数都至少增加了三倍。伦敦国王学院数学学校和在哈德斯菲尔德的格林海德学院在同一时期的录取人数都翻了一番。However,with the country’s leading universities coming under increasing pressure to admit more students from state schools, some of the country’s most prestigious privateschools are now seeing their Oxbridge offers decline sharply, according to figures obtained by The Telegraph. Meanwhile, some state schools have seen their offers soar in recent years and are now among the most successful schools at sending pupils to Oxbridge.Eton College is one of just three schools which has seen a decline in Oxbridge offers every year since 2016. The £44,000-a-year boarding school in Windsor has seen its Oxbridge offers plummet by 21 per cent in five years, from 86 in 2016 to 68 in 2020. Eton's offers are falling even when accounting for the fact fewer of its pupils are now applying to Oxbridge compared to five years ago. The school's success rate – calculated by looking at the proportion of applications which result in offers – has declined by 4.9 percentage points over the same period. The ten schools that have seen the biggest decline in offers in the past five years are all fee-paying institutions, our data show. These include Harrow School, the boys’ boarding school, which charges £43,665 per year in fees. It has seen its Oxbridge offers decline by 50 per cent, from 28 to 14. And Cheltenham Ladies College, a £39,780-a-year girls’ boarding school, has also had a 50 per cent decline in offers, from 26 to 13.Meanwhile, of the 10 schools which have seen the biggest boost in their Oxbridge offers, all but one are state schools, the majority of which are selective sixth form colleges based in London. Three schools in the east London borough of Newham – Brampton Manor Academy, London Academy of Excellence and Newham Collegiate Sixth Form – have all seen their offers at least triple over the past five years. King’s College London Mathematics School and Greenhead College in Huddersfield have both doubled their offers over the same period.Swipe left for English | 右滑阅读中文


移动的指针和正确的旗帜A moved dial and the right flag

一位牛津大学的教授说,一直有一种 “持续滴答滴答”的压力,要把指针从私立学校 “拨开”,转而更多支持公立学校的招生。他说:“15年来,指针基本上没有移动过,有很多人在谈论,但没有多少行动。但现在变化正在发生,即使只是每年微小的变化。大家已经有了这样的意识。没有人喜欢被命令去做任何事情,但经过一段时间后,这一变化就会渗入人们的意识中。”“还有一个因素是,一旦大学尝试招收和测试了来自布兰普顿庄园学院的学生,他们发现招生非常成功,他们是很好的学生,这就使大学在下一年招生时更有信心。” 参与招生工作的牛津大学老师说,这个数据会让家长对送孩子去私立学校三思而行。“这是一个成功的故事——除非你正为你孩子的教育支付巨额费用,"他说。“我认为这个信息非常明确——如果你是一个目标牛津或剑桥的家庭,那选择显而易见。把孩子送到一所公立的第六级学院,你不再支付高额费用,而且他们在申请时名字旁有正确的旗帜。”One Oxford don said there has been a “constant drip, drip, drip” of pressure to “move the dial” away from private schools and in favour of state school admissions. “The dial hadn’t moved basically for 15 years, there was a lot of talk but not much action,” he said. “But now it is happening, even if it’s just at the margin each year. The message has got through. No one likes to be ordered to do anything but after a while it seeps into the consciousness."“There is also the element that once they have tried and tested the output of Brampton Manor Academy, they think it works, they are good kids, it makes them more confident the next year.”The Oxford don, who is involved in admissions, said this data would make parents think twice about sending their child to a private school. “This is a success story – unless you are paying a fortune for your children’s education,” he said. “I think the message is pretty obvious – if you are a family that is set on Oxford or Cambridge, it is a no brainer. You send them to a state sixth form college, you stop paying the high fees and they have the right flag by their name when they apply.



在英国公立私立学校辩论之外:更多的选择,有益的竞争Beyond the UK state vs private debate: More options and healthy competitions

独立学校委员会主席巴纳比·莱农说,收费学校仍然对“他们大部分最好的申请人”仍能进入牛津剑桥感到满意,而且私立学校的学生在这两所大学中的比例仍然很高。他还指出,私立学校正越来越多地将美国的常春藤盟校——如哈佛——作为其学生的目的地。他说:“他们这样做是因为美国在某些专业上有世界上最好的大学,而且美国院校也为英国最好的学生提供慷慨的奖学金和助学金。” 曾任哈罗公学校长、现在担任白金汉大学教育学院院长的莱农先生还指出,一些让更多学生进入牛津剑桥的顶级公立学校最初是由私立学校创建的。他说:“重要的是要了解,其中一些公立学校是由私立学校建立的,目的是帮助提高贫困地区第六级学生的考试成绩。没有人比伊顿在促进这类学校方面做得更多。”伦敦卓越学院在五年内的招生人数增加了四倍多,它是由包括伊顿和哈罗在内的私立学校联盟建立的,由布莱顿学院领导。哈里斯-威斯敏斯特第六级学院是由收费的威斯敏斯特学校设立的,其牛津剑桥的录取通知书也从10份增加到44份,增加了4倍。曾任伦敦卓越学院首任理事长的莱农先生说,来自顶级公立学校的学生获得大量牛津剑桥录取通知书是“值得欢迎的,这并不令人惊讶”。他解释说:“在过去的10年里,这些非常成功的公立学校已经出现了。需要记住的是,在16岁时申请这些学校的竞争非常激烈,要想被录取,你需要有极其出色的GCSE成绩。”Barnaby Lenon, chairman of the Independent Schools Council, said that fee-paying institutions remain satisfied that “most of their best applicants” are still getting into Oxbridge and that privately educated pupils are still overrepresented at both universities. He also pointed out that independent schools are increasingly looking to Ivy League institutions in America – such as Harvard – as destinations for their pupils. “They are doing this because these are very much the best universities in the world for certain courses and because they offer generous scholarships and bursaries to the best students in the UK,” he said. Mr Lenon, a former headmaster at Harrow School and current Dean of Education at University of Buckingham, also pointed out that some of the top state schools for getting pupils into Oxbridge were originally created by private schools. “It is important to understand that some of these schools were set up by independent schools in order to help improve the exam results of sixth formers in disadvantaged areas,” he said. “No one has done more to promote these kinds of schools than Eton.” The London Academy of Excellence, which has more than quadrupled its offers over five years, was set up by a coalition of private schools – including Eton and Harrow – led by Brighton College. And Harris Westminster Sixth Form – which was set up by the fee-paying Westminster School – has also seen its Oxbridge offers increase fourfold from 10 to 44. Mr Lenon, who was the first chairman of governors at the London Academy of Excellence, said that the high number of Oxbridge offers that go to pupils from top state schools is “to be welcomed and is not a surprise”. He explained: “In the last 10 years, these very successful state schools have emerged. And the thing to bear in mind is that they are extremely selective at age 16, to be admitted you need stellar GCSE grades.”


College breakdown of the top 20 schools

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