Thereis a way for foreigners to live in Chinalong-term without dealing with yearly visa bureaucracy (for tenyears at least). You’ll need to be serious about staying inChina, and meet some stringent criteria. But if you do, you gain manyother benefits that could transform your expat experience. It’sofficially called Permanent Resident Status, but is popularly knownas the “Chinese Green Card.”
Asthe name suggests, The Chinese permanent residence certificate is anactual card, which you can use when traveling just like a Chinese ID.The card is sometimes known as the Chinese “green card”,although in fact it’s mostly blue. The term comes from the USequivalent.
Itis possible to apply for the green card from abroad, you will need tobe granted a D visa on which you can enter the country, then convertit to an ID card. However, since one of the main criteria islong-term residence in China, you are more likely to be applyinginternally.
Thereare many benefits to having a Chinese Green Card, but that does notmean it is the right choice for every expat.
Beloware some of the pros and also some drawbacks to achieving permanentresidence status in China.
You can come and go freely without the need for a visa
Your relatives can applyfor a Q visa to visit you
Your spouse and dependents can also apply for permanent residencemore easily
You do not need a work permit to work in China
You can apply for professional qualifications in China
You can set up a foreign-invested enterprise (FIE), and takeadvantage of simplified procedures when applying for governmentapproval of your project
Your children can be educated for free in Chinese state schools
You can contribute to – and benefit from – socialinsurance, with simplified procedures for transfer when changingjobs
You can purchase a home in China more easily
You can participate in housing provident funds, schemes from whichthe government makes low-cost mortgage loans
You have the same rights as a Chinese citizen when it comes tobanking, insurance, securities, futures, and other financialservices
Money earned in China can be sent overseas, provided you have theproper certificate from the tax authorities
You can also use the card as Chinese citizens use their ID card,e.g. when booking flights or railway tickets
You are treated the same as a Chinese citizen at tourist venues, andpay the local price when it’s cheaper than for foreigners
Despiteall these benefits, the Permanent Residence card does not confercitizenship, so you will not have the rights or responsibilities of aChinese citizen: you will not be allowed to vote, run for election,or serve in the armed forces.
Itis theoretically possible to apply for citizenship. Under theNationality Law, you can apply to become naturalized if you haverelatives who are resident Chinese citizens, if you have settled inChina, or “have other legitimate reasons.”
Inpractice however, citizenship is hardly ever granted. Since thefounding of the PRC in 1949, only a few hundred foreigners inexceptional circumstances have been naturalized. For most expats,however committed you are to building a life in China, the Green Cardis as close to becoming Chinese as you can get.
“Greencards” are notoriously difficult to get, though the ruleswere easedslightly in 2020.
众所周知,“绿卡”很难拿到,尽管规则是 2020年略有缓解。
Itis only after you have achieved one of the requirements below andlived in China successfully for a certain amount of time that youmight be ready to apply for permanent residency.
Ifyou are trying to become an expat for the first time and have noChina experience, the Chinese Green Card is most likely not a viableoption for you.
Thebasic requirements are that you are in good health and have nocriminal record. You then need to meet one of the following fivecriteria:
InternationalTalent or Recognized Achievement
Thiscategory is for people “recommended by the government” orwho “make an outstanding contribution”. Applicants needto be “high-level foreign talents” or “foreignerswho make major and outstanding contributions, or are badlyneeded by China.”
Themain purpose of this category is to attract outstanding individualsfrom the Chinese diaspora, but it’s also used to awardpermanent residence to celebrities such as basketball player StephonMarbury, who had spent five years in China and won three CBAchampionships with the Beijing Ducks.
Whileyou may be an exceptional talent in your own sphere, most expats havelittle chance of meeting this criterion.
Employmentand Education
Thiswill be the easiest way for most expats to demonstrate theircommitment to living and working in China.
Comingto China to work involves a series of steps which are unavoidable ifyou plan to live in China long-term:
First you need to achieveemployment with a legitimate employer
With your employer’s support, you need to apply for a visa toenter China. Yourvisa type will depend on your job
On arrival, you need to have a physical examination ata designated hospital
You will apply for a residencepermit to replace your visa and work permit
Then,there are a number of different routes to qualification:
Beinga “Talent”
Thisis different to being a “high-level talent,” and is moreachievable. You might qualify if you are working in a key position inan innovative company, and have skills which are in shortage inChina, particularly tech skills. You need to have worked in China fora minimum of three years.
Beingin an “Essential Position”
Thistypically means holding an executive position in a Chinese company,or being an associate professor, associate researcher, or above at aneducational institution. To qualify you need to have spent at leastthree years out of the last four in China.
Being“Recognized by the Market”
Thisqualification depends on your earnings, taxes paid, and of courselength of residence. To count as “resident” in any givenyear, you need to have spent at least six months of that year inChina. If you have four years residence on that basis, then you needto have earned an annual salary at least six times the average wageof urban working employees in the city or town where you were livingin that, and paid individual income tax no less than 10 percent ofyour annual income.
Youneed to hold a doctorate-level qualification and have lived and paidtaxes for three years in China. Some government sites add that youalso have to be “Chinese with a foreign passport.” It’snot clear how they assess Chinese-ness if not by nationality, andwhether this is official policy or one official’sinterpretation.
Anotherway to have demonstrated your commitment to China is to have investedyour own money there. The sums required are considerable though: youneed to have invested at least USD 500,000 in the poorer westernareas of China, USD 1 million in central China, or USD 2 million inthe richer coastal areas, all over three years.
Youalso need to show you have paid your taxes.
AccompanyingFamily Members
Spousesand dependent children of anyone entitled to apply in the first threecategories can also apply, at the same time or subsequently.
Unmarriedchildren aged under 18 can gain permanent residence if one or more oftheir parents is a Chinese citizen or a foreigner with permanentresidence. Similarly, people aged over 60 with no immediate familyabroad, who are dependent on immediate family in China, and who havelived in China for at least nine months out of each of the last fiveyears, are entitled to apply.
Perhapsmore usefully for most expats, if you have been married for at leastfive years to a Chinese citizen or a foreigner with permanentresidence, and you’ve lived in China for nine months out ofeach of the last five years, you are also eligible.
3.Howto Apply
It’simportant to note that meeting one of these criteria only entitlesyou to apply; it does not guarantee acceptance.
Applicationsare made to your local Public Security Bureau.
Toapply, you’ll need the following documentation:
A completed Application Form for Permanent Residence in China
Your valid passport and current residence permit
A health certificate from a suitable organization issued within thelast six months (this is the same health check you need to undergowhen applying for a regular residence permit)
Evidence that you have no criminal record in your home country. (Ifyou’re from the US, be aware that a local certificate isn’tenough–it needs to be a federal document.)
You’llalso need additional documentation, depending on which criterion youare applying under.
Employment and education: Proof of income, taxes, employment,and residence.
Foreign investors: Proof of investment: your business license,a verification report showing that the company’s registeredcapital is at the required level, and an auditor’s report forthe last three consecutive years. You’ll also need evidence oftaxes paid, and residence.
Family Reunion: Proof of your relationship: a marriagecertificate, birth certificate, or other documentation. You’llalso need to show that the spouse or family member has stablehousing and income.
Havingsubmitted your documents, there is little more you can do. Theprocess is opaque; simply meeting one of the criteria doesn’tguarantee acceptance. It also takes a long time. You can expect towait between six and twelve months for an answer.
Ifit’s successful, you will get a permanent residence card thatis valid for ten years.
Ifyou’re unsuccessful, there is no explanation and no right ofappeal. You simply have to try again.如果你没有成功,就没有任何解释,也没有上诉的权利。你只需要再试一次。
Itwill cost you 1500 RMB per person to apply for the Chinese GreenCard. This is non-refundable in case you do not succeed in yourapplication. There is also a 300 RMB for collecting the card if youare successful.
5.Replacements,& Renewal
Afterten years have passed, and your card expires, the application processto get a new ten-year permanent residence is very simple, you applyfor the new card at the Public Security Bureau (PSB) at a cost of 300RMB.
Renewalis just a case of filling out the form and, as long as you have notcommitted any crimes in China during your stay, you are almostguaranteed to be successful in the renewal. If you lose or damageyour card and need a replacement, this will cost you 600 RMB at thePSB.
6.TaxationStatus in China as a Green Card Holder
Somemight be deterred from applying by the concern that it might affecttheir tax status.
However,tax obligations for foreigners in China are based solely on length ofresidence, and not the type of permit they hold.
Ifyou have been in China for over half (183 days) of each of the lastsix years, then you are liable to pay tax in China on your worldwideincome. This applies regardless of whether you are considered atemporary or permanent resident.
7.WhatExpats Say About Permanent Residence?
Despiteall the benefits listed above, not everyone is convinced that gettingPermanent Resident Status is worth the trouble. One expat who hadsucceeded in getting a Green Card told us “it’s basicallya ten-year visa, at least for me.”
“It’snice to have and a bit of a ‘flex’,” he said, butfor most expats it won’t change anything, and because it isn’twidely recognized yet, can even lead to headaches.”
Howeverhe saw advantages for people whose circumstances might be different.
“WhereI think it really helps is for freelancers, as you aren’t tiedto a visa and can legally take on multiple jobs; for business ownersas it can help save them money; and for those who are older and wantto stay in China, but who are worried because work visas aren’tissued to anyone over 60.”
8.Now,Over to You
Everybody’sexpat adventure is unique, and there will be many living in China whodon’t plan to stay long enough to consider applying forPermanent Resident Status. However, others come and fall in love withthe country (or with someone from the country…) and want tobuild their lives there. For those people, getting a “GreenCard” is not only of practical value, but symbolic of theircommitment to China. Those who achieve it, carry it with pride.
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